Six months after my SCT, I had a PET/CT Scan in March 2015. Scan found invasive ductal carcinoma in my right breast. 3-D mammogram and ultrasound of breast did not show any abnormality. Radiologist biopsied the area of concern and made the diagnosis of a secondary cancer. I had a mastectomy and now have started 4 rounds of chemotherapy because the cancer was a grade 2. The Radiologist and breast surgeon both said it was a miracle that the cancer was found. If I would have just had my yearly Mammogram, it would have taken 2 - 3 years for the cancer to be found. By that time, it would have spread to other organs. Please read the article by Dr. Brian Durie about the reasons for all MM patients getting an annual PET/CT scan. It saved my life. Read the article at: