A Rare Aggressive silent MM attached my dad

31 mar 2015

lost a great man, I lost a great father, I lost a great teacher, I lost a wisdom of balance, I lost the heart of my soul. I love u baba.

At 78 he was still working amd enjoying it. But Multiple Myeloma decided to attack him. He fought back, setting highest example of leadership and decision making, took the pain of spinal an hip surgeries for 8 month. They told me he had 5 to 6 years yet last month a rare silent aggressive cancer attacked him, and his body started to shut down.

Am still hugging his soft hands, am still dreaming that On April 18, that special call to remind me that am year older.

His body might rested in peace , but his soul is rested within my heart.


May your father rest in peace. He sounds like a wonderful man. I lost a friend a couple of months ago to multiple myeloma. She fought hard, but the disease took her as well. But she is now with God, who she always loved first and foremost.

Take care,


Thank u, There is an emptiness in my heart , its like a big whole with disbelief that he is gone.

My father died from a diabetic coma over 4 years ago, and I still miss him.