this is a really excellent discussion. thanks!
Just wanted to wish you the best for tomorrow, on your appointment. Just happen to read this site on saw that your doctor's visit is scheduled for the 5th.
Take care and best of luck
Liz in Pa
rodney said:
Liz,I hope this finds you well,I am from the Harrisburg area and have been under treatment since 7,2011. I am only 55 and will soon start the process for a transplant at hershey med center. Things do get better with velcade,dex and revlmid when you go into the maintenance phase.I have felt so well that I put off the transplant process so I could get prepared for. The doc at Hershey pa told me that he has done transplants for people from 20yrs old to 92,you must have at least 50% lung function and be fairly healthy. I have an appoitment with him on 11/5 and will schedule the start of things then. He has done in excess of 500 transplants with less than a 1% mortality rate. Most do not have many complications, however they do continue revlimid and zometa for 2 years . I did'nt go on maint. treatment until around June of this year, the highest sucess rates for the transplant are when your m protien numbers are low and under control. Just so you know, I feel great, do have a few side effects though, slightly numb fingers, some minor issues with nervous twitch of my fingers and slight feet dscomfort. In January life stunk as I could hardly walk and tired very easily. be persistant,life will be good again
Thanks for the heads up Liz.
Good luck Rodney!