Would you like to be a Moderator?

Hello, everyone, I hope you are enjoying the site. We set it up so people can connect and share information and support. The network is really what you make it, and it is growing nicely. I can see lots of love and support happening here.

Many of you know that Ben's Friends (www.bensfriends.org) runs this group, and we run 34 other sites just like it. We have 80,000 patients and loved ones logging on every month to find support.
A big part of providing support and having a great network is having dedicated Moderators. Being a moderator involves greeting new members and being responsive to discussions.

Would anyone like to volunteer? We'd love to have your help. I would be happy to show you the ropes and answer all of your questions.

Let me know if you are interested.

All the best,

Put some thought into it, yes I would give it a try

I am delighted to hear it, Rodney! I am sending you a friend request and will have you "moderated" soon. Feel free to message me with any questions. To start, visit the "Moderators' group" (click on "Groups" at the top of the page to find it) and request to join. Also, join the moderators' website here: http://moderators.bensfriends.org/

You will be a terrific Moderator!